Dudwell Lane, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 0SD



All Saints' CE Primary School

Religious Education

At All Saints', we follow the Leeds York RE Syllabus and the Understanding Christianity publication. This provides us with a breadth of key learning skills for all major world religions (with some units providing children with knowledge about other faiths and denominations). Our children also have the opportunity to visit different places of worship, partake in our Pupil Ministry and work with the Hand to Mouth team to further enhance our RE curriculum. 

 Leeds York RE Syllabus 2022.pdfDownload
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Religious Education Overview 

All Saints’ School is a Church of England (Aided) School and as such, Christianity is the focus for Religious Education. We follow a combination of the ‘Understanding Christianity’ scheme and the Leeds and York Diocesan Syllabus for RE, both of which uphold the Church of England foundation of our school. We as a school endeavour to ensure children develop a broad knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other major world faiths in line with recommendations from the Leeds and York Diocesan and the  Department for Education (Religious Education in Schools: Non-statutory guidance 2010).

The key purpose of the ‘Understanding Christianity’ resource is to support pupils in developing their understanding of Christianity, as a contribution to their understanding of the world and their own experience within it. It does this by integrating pupils’ developing understanding of significant theological concepts in Christianity with their own self-understanding. Pupils also understand the world, as part of their wider religious literacy along with enabling pupils to know about and understand Christianity as a living world faith. This is done by exploring core theological concepts.  Pupils are encouraged to develop their knowledge and skills in making sense of biblical texts and understand their impact on the lives of Christians.  We aim to develop pupils’ abilities to connect, critically reflect upon, evaluate and apply their learning to their own growing understanding of religion and belief (particularly Christianity), of themselves, the world and human experience.

We view RE as the exploration and understanding of concepts, facts, skills and attitudes associated within religious beliefs and values. These beliefs and values are centred around the understanding of a “Divine Power” We encourage children to foster attitudes of tolerance, empathy and respect for religions other than Christianity, children need to have an understanding of, and knowledge about, faiths other than their own. Pupils understanding of world faiths is often supported and enhanced by visitors and pupils sharing their own experiences, especially during key festivals. Children this academic year are being encouraged to ‘deepen the moment’ this new initiative allows children to discuss questions and develop their spirituality and thinking.

RE is also concerned with the moral and spiritual development of the child. Besides learning about religion children in our school should learn through religious experiences - the wider school curriculum also contributes to this aspect of a pupil’s education. Pupils attend other world faith places of worship. 

Reflection areas around school and in classrooms provide the children with opportunities to develop their spirituality questioning and understanding. The areas also arouse interest and enthusiasm for the core values and allow children to think and respond spirituality, emotionally and confidentially.

Prayer is an integral part of our RE provision within school. Pupils pray throughout the day and during worship time. The children are aware of the lord’s Prayer and what it means, this is enhanced by Reverend Jen and whole school worship and workshops.