Dudwell Lane, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX3 0SD



All Saints' CE Primary School


What PSHE & RSHE looks like at All Saints'

Please click the link above to see how PSHE and RSHE are implemented at our School.



Our Personal Health Social Citizenship Education (PHSCE) and Relationships, Sex and Health Education Curriculum (RSHE)

Our curriculum is inclusive and meets the needs of all our pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) by adapting teaching and learning to suit all children and all abilities. We ensure that our curriculum fosters gender equality and LGBT+ equality by ensuring the quality of an inclusive and diverse curriculum. Our teachers have the freedom to design their long term plans to suit the needs of their class looking at PSHCE links throughout the whole school curriculum. Through our PSHCE education, we teach pupils the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, to manage their lives, now and in the future. 

We use the CORAM SCARF syllabus which is evidence-based, interactive, has creative methods and resources to stimulate curiosity and imagination amongst children and helps them make healthy choices. The curriculum was determined following consultation with stakeholders in 2019-20. The SCARF whole-school approach supports in the promotion of positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement and includes the Relationships Education and Health Education statutory requirements.

In order to meet our statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education requirements, we deliver all the six half termly units within SCARF as the statutory requirements are covered across all units. 
The UK government recognises how important it is that "All children gain an understanding of the world they are growing up in, and learn how to live alongside, and show respect for, a diverse range of people. When we inspect schools, we assess how well they equip children to do this." 
Teaching and learning about protected characteristics is fully integrated into SCARF, with age-appropriate content across its spiral curriculum. 

Teaching children about puberty, bodies, and sex can sometimes feel awkward for some children, as they may find it difficult to talk openly about these topics, without feeling they are making others feel uncomfortable and so avoid bringing it up and asking questions. 

We develop a class group agreement is a really good way of helping children to recognise what is expected of them in an RSHE lesson. It helps put boundaries in place, so both you and they know how the lessons are going to run and protects both teacher and pupil from being put in an unsafe situation. Slides 17 and 18 of this DfE training module for the Changing Adolescent Body topic includes good practice, including model ground rules, such as: 

  • Respect privacy. We can discuss examples but do not use names or descriptions that identify anyone, including ourselves. 
  • Listen to others. It is okay to disagree with each other, but we should listen properly before making assumptions or deciding how to respond. When disagreeing, challenge the statement not the person.
  • No judgement. We can explore beliefs and misunderstandings about a topic without fear of being judged. 
  • Choose level of participation. Everyone has the right to choose not to answer a question or join discussion. We never put anyone ‘on the spot’ (no personal questions or pressure to answer).
To find our which parts of our PHSCE and RSHE curriculum include Sex education please follow this link and review point 3: 
We invite parents to discuss this with us should they have any questions and the resources are available within school to review.
A parent can withdraw their child from any lessons that contain Sex Education but not Relationships or Health Education. 

We do not cover HIV as part of our curriculum.